Saturday, January 24, 2015

Something In The Water

I am happy to report my laptop is back up and running-for the moment.   I ordered a new charger for my laptop on Amazon, only to receive my package and find out it was the wrong size charger.  Luckily, in mentioning my frustration to one of my close friends, she was able to let me borrow hers.  It was the same one for my laptop; so I'm temporarily using hers until I'm refunded for the wrong purchase and I can buy the correct model.

( Is it just me or are some contractions in the English language pointless?  For instance don't=do not and I'm=I am-both versions utilize the same amount of characters.)

I have a dilemma-more so a conundrum.   I have been blessed to have obtained two passes for a pre-screening of Kingsman: the Secret Service. Since I am a "full-throttle, action-packed" movie junkie-I'm a little excited.  My conundrum comes is with who I should take with me.  Should I ask Thor, since this week is his birthday?  Our history is what you call "complicated".  I used to loath when people would say: "Its complicated".  Now I get it- hind sight is 20/20.  Or should I, could I get up the gumption to leave a ticket at the front desk of the gym for Catch? I don't have any kind of history with Catch, but there may be a hindrance. On the one hand, the screening is closer to Thor.  On the other hand I would be leaving the invitation at the front desk for Catch to pick up and make decision. Who am I kidding? Thor would never go and I would never get the nerve up to leave a invitation to a movie at the front desk of the gym (lol, they will think I have lost my mind). 

Right now I am trying to figure out how to get water down.  Of course, I know how to drink water, however; getting in 3L a day-seems unattainable.  I think three of the five mornings this week, I was able to get a  whole 20 oz bottle down.  I think I read in a magazine you should  have at least 3L a day.  I couldn't get 8-8 oz glasses down in a day, so why I moved up to 3L escapes me.   I  remember now, the magazine also said drinking lots of water would boost your metabolism by 33%. 

When I watched this video-it inspired me to do a 30- day challenge for the month of February.

February's 30-day Challenge video inspiration. 

Carrie Underwood's song poignantly puts it: there must be something in the water.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

No rest for the weary

I am tired, and weary. Today, I felt the effects of not having a man in my life. It was one of those days. I ended up breaking down and crying to my friend about how God has not put a man in my life yet. I got a flat tire today. It was bad enough, but on top of it I didn't have a jack or a lug wrench (on a positive note- had a spare ). So I'm stuck, with my kid, at night in the rain; with a flat tire, no jack or lug wrench.  Of couse I had to start putting my thinking skills into high gear. I got my sister to take my daughter home, and the most unlikely coworker (he has this Shrek-ogre-dont bother- me personality) came and helped me obtain a lug wrench and jack. Two hours later, I made it home. I missed the gym ( and the opportunity to see my eye candy "Catch") and ended up going over on my calories ( it was only 51 over) because I stopped by the Burger King drive through for dinner (fast-food therapy).
Nothing seemed to be going in my favor, and all I can think is if I had a man in my life-this might be easier. On the other hand I am often reminded, I should not settle for "a man"; but the right man for me who will love and treat me the way I should be treated. Sofia Vergara, the Columbian TV producer and actress comes to mind. Vergara has recently become engaged- to heart throb Joe Manganiello. I read in a magazine, it was the way he treats her  that really hit home for her. Many of my friends are engaged or already married. I can see from the outside things are rocky in some of these relationships- if I can see this from the outside, I can only image the full extent of what is actually happening in these relationships.
I just get lonely which makes my journey seem more like a struggle. I have had time to think about everything- so I'm OK with being alone ( it can be overwhelming at times). One of my new years resolutions was to trust in my Savior Jesus Christ more. This is something I struggle with also; allowing God to work in my life and trust in His pure and perfect will for my life.

The last time I worked out guess who ended up on the machine right next to me? None other than Catch.  Im sure he has no clue I even go to the gym, but he gives me something to look forward to at the gym. It was nice.
 I seem to be thinking about my ex more lately.  You see a friend of mine told me he couldn't take care of me the way I should be. I had never heard a guy say this before; so I replied with how "safe" of an excuse I felt this statement was (I never said I was good at realtionships). When Thor said this to me the question popped into my mind as to if there was ever a guy I was with that could. This is where my ex came to mind. He was am amazing guy, humanitarian, who really took care about of me. We are not on good terms. He is the one I left in Miami, but I really feel we should be able to be friends. This happened years ago; and I thought we should be able to be in a better place. What Thor said did make me think, what I'm looking for in a relationship. I want a man that can ( man that is able to take care of me, but i work hard to take care of myself) take care of me, that has ambitions and goals.

All summed up, this helps me to  realize I want to wait, I need to wait on Gods time. I will trust in my Savior for the right time for that special guy in life.

"To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.". -Federico GarcĂ­a Lorca,Blood Wedding and YermaYermaYermaYerma

"Unrequited love is the infinite curse of the lonely heart. " -    Christina Westover

Every broken heart has screamed at one time or another: " Why can't you see who I truly am?". -  Shannon L. Adler

This video inspires me to go to the gym and "throw some weight around":

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Ready. . set. . . 2015

So, I haven't gotten a new computer yet, but I thought since iit the weekend I would see about posting from my phone.  I have tried to implement a couple of changes for the new year. By the way Happy New Year.
I have noticed that I tend to progress better when I have multiple projects t going at one time. Which bring me to the first new change of 2015: Weekly meal prep ( currently, making g dessert for the week: apple cranberry oatmeal crisp)

I make all the meals for the week; lunch and dinner, and portion out. I had seen this before on Pintrest. My girlfriend Char sent me a link to this guy named Kevin from #fitmencook. Thus sparking my inspiration to update me journey. 

The first one was Spanish brown rice Turkey and spinach meatloaf with brussel sprouts; the second one was braised kale and mushrooms boiled carrot with baked chicken and the third one was fish it was either tilapia or salmon with asparagus and roasted sweet potatoes.  This was the link my friend text me: I had also gained four pounds during  the holidays. Since I have implemented the weekly meal prep and have had all my meal options already planned; I have lost 7lbs.  So, I'm back on track, just a little behind schedule. When I think about what I can learn from that little "hick up", I think how this time last year a set back of this calibur would have sent me reeling and would have been a lot more detrimental to my progress.   Now, thanks to God, I have learned how to handle it better:

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time." 
~Author Unknown

By evaluating and implementing  some changes; I am able to us my set-back to move forward. 

Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there. ~Josh Billings