Sunday, April 24, 2016

I am commited

Life hack #1552 complete.  The online post stated it would make you feel better, I will have to say it has. I started another challenge for the last week of this challenge.  One night, actually it was Monday night.  I was not feeling it and had really considered not going to the gym.  However, the week before was not good so I had to step it up this week.  I even text a friend and told her I was not feeling the gym and was ready to turn around and go home.  God told me he had brought me there, I could at least go inside.  When I walked in the door to the gym, this is the challenge placed before me:


I went immediately to the 60 minute challenge. Forgetting I didn't even want to be there less than 2 minutes ago, I said to myself, "You can do this!".  I completed this also.

This week, I thought it over and went to God.  I have to admit, I have issues with commitment and follow through at times. These last couple of weeks, I have been working on being obedient to prepare for this step. With God, I know all things are possible.  I know I will make mistakes and have short comings, but I have decided to commit, and go all in.  I put in trust or charge to the glory of my Savior, Jesus Christ, for Deliverance.

I am an introvert, in the most extreme way.  I take in my surroundings,  but do not immediately react to them as many would like to see. Lately, I have noticed things are happening that are outside of the ordinary or norm.  I am full of contradictions and uncertainty. My one true stability is the trust I place in Christ the King. I want to see nothing but happiness for my friends and foes.  Yes,even for my enemies, I will pray. I don't glory or seek hurt or disappointment for anyone.  Even if  I have been wronged by these same individuals, even if I have been slighted.  If this same respect cannot be given in return, Anthony Hamilton's song "Just Pass Me Over" would be my only request :

This is a rather old song, I used to listen to it when I went through a bad break up. I pray for the best in all people, I try not to judge other people or wish ill will. To me, this is simple human respect I would  want others to give unto me.  I am saying this is if the respect cannot not be returned.  If my attention is desired by a person to hurt or harm, to make use of my set backs and failures for entertainment or to make light of my genuine  feels, please don't.  I will pray for you still, but please just pass me over. 

My weekend started off amazing, I went to the: I Will Follow tour with Jeremy Camp and Mandisa on Friday. During the tour Mandisa shared her testimony.  She gave one of her favorite scriptures, and it explained so wonderfully where I was also: 

1How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
2How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and day after day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?
3Look on me and answer, Lord my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,
4and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,”
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
5But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
6I will sing the Lord’s praise,
for he has been good to me.

- Psalm: 13

There is a guy.  Whenever I think about him, I cant help but smile to myself. Each time I see him, I want to give him a huge hug and stick him in my handbag and take him home. I have a lot of passion and a little  impatience.  Something I have learned about me, I fall hard and love intensely.  I want to throw caution to the wind and jump in head first and love him.  I am committed though,  and there are things about me that need work.  God is still working in me to do His will.  So I every time he comes across my mind or I want the to feel his touch, I will pray for this guy, and trust in God. Trust God and his timing.  I asked God to put it on my heart to let me know, unmistakably of His will and timing for my life.  Shortly after I asked, God gave me this answer:

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