Saturday, January 24, 2015

Something In The Water

I am happy to report my laptop is back up and running-for the moment.   I ordered a new charger for my laptop on Amazon, only to receive my package and find out it was the wrong size charger.  Luckily, in mentioning my frustration to one of my close friends, she was able to let me borrow hers.  It was the same one for my laptop; so I'm temporarily using hers until I'm refunded for the wrong purchase and I can buy the correct model.

( Is it just me or are some contractions in the English language pointless?  For instance don't=do not and I'm=I am-both versions utilize the same amount of characters.)

I have a dilemma-more so a conundrum.   I have been blessed to have obtained two passes for a pre-screening of Kingsman: the Secret Service. Since I am a "full-throttle, action-packed" movie junkie-I'm a little excited.  My conundrum comes is with who I should take with me.  Should I ask Thor, since this week is his birthday?  Our history is what you call "complicated".  I used to loath when people would say: "Its complicated".  Now I get it- hind sight is 20/20.  Or should I, could I get up the gumption to leave a ticket at the front desk of the gym for Catch? I don't have any kind of history with Catch, but there may be a hindrance. On the one hand, the screening is closer to Thor.  On the other hand I would be leaving the invitation at the front desk for Catch to pick up and make decision. Who am I kidding? Thor would never go and I would never get the nerve up to leave a invitation to a movie at the front desk of the gym (lol, they will think I have lost my mind). 

Right now I am trying to figure out how to get water down.  Of course, I know how to drink water, however; getting in 3L a day-seems unattainable.  I think three of the five mornings this week, I was able to get a  whole 20 oz bottle down.  I think I read in a magazine you should  have at least 3L a day.  I couldn't get 8-8 oz glasses down in a day, so why I moved up to 3L escapes me.   I  remember now, the magazine also said drinking lots of water would boost your metabolism by 33%. 

When I watched this video-it inspired me to do a 30- day challenge for the month of February.

February's 30-day Challenge video inspiration. 

Carrie Underwood's song poignantly puts it: there must be something in the water.

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