The Kingsman was great. I recommend all to go see it in the theater. There has been a lot transpire since my last post. A lot behind the scenes anyway.
So TLC ran a documentary called Fat and back. The special featured controversial UK media personality Katie Hopkins and her harsh view of our big world. In the documentary, Hopkins gained 50 lbs to prove the point that fat people are lazy due to their own bad eating and lack of exercise. Hopkins proved her point, in her less than warm, from across the pond critique. One plus size woman Hopkins spoke with in her documentary asked her to leave her home. I understand Hopkins view and the point she is trying to drive home. However, her method of expression is a little wanting.
I am getting discouraged again that my weight loss isnt going as fast as I would like, but I also know the more weight I lose the harder my body has to work and adjust to lose more. I am still doing the weekly meal prep. I have been doing weekly meal prep because it just makes the weeks easier. My 3 liter a day water intake is not so much an epoch fail; as a good faith effort. I am not making it anywhere near 3 liters a day. Though, my water intake has more than doubled; so though I may not have succeeded, by trying I am still improving. Keeping in mind to continue to strive for personal best; helps to keep focus of goals. I have a trip and a wedding next month. I am still going to the gym, if for no other reason than to watch Catch do planks, squats and the rowing machine. Cant forget the rowing machine. I sometimes wish the confidence was there for me to approach him, you know to get to know more about him. When there are people like Ms. Hopkins in the back of my mind, actually approaching him seems the last thing possible. I am going to continue to go,
People such as Ms. Hopkins, i think ultimately want to see us all healthy and productive members of society. Its just their well intent meaning or expression get lot in the deliverance. Such is the case with my late grandmother. She would always tell us we needed to watch our sugar intake and the amount of food we we consuming. Instead of explaining it in a way that could be understood or related to she would say something more along the lines of " You need to push away from the table". I am not saying these things don't ever need to be brought up. I saw a nutritionist when I was younger; I remember the nutritionist asking me many times "Don't I want a boyfriend?", Wouldn't I want to be asked to the dance?" "Didn't I want to experience life like other young girls my age?" To me there was emphasis on being like everyone else or fitting in; not focusing on how to make better choices. That was a long time ago and I have learned a lot since then.
I found out my friend Ric, from high school was in town. We have been friends for over 15 years. He told me he was in town doing " wedding stuff". It was his way of telling me he had asked the girl he has been with to marry and spend the rest of his life with him. I had wondered in the past if I would ever be that person for him. Early in our friendship, I though it possible. Later, he mentioned to me it would be lowering his standards to be with someone overweight. Im going to use his visit and this update as a reminder to stay focused.
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