There's not a craving of the mind
Which Jesus cannot fill.
There's not a pleasure I would seek
Aside from His dear will.
From hour to hour He fills my soul
With peace and perfect love;
While rich supplies for ev'ry need
He sendeth from above.
Which Jesus cannot fill.
There's not a pleasure I would seek
Aside from His dear will.
From hour to hour He fills my soul
With peace and perfect love;
While rich supplies for ev'ry need
He sendeth from above.
The joys which this vain world bestow
Have lost their charm for me.
Once I enjoyed its trifles too,
But Jesus set me free.
Its joys will perish in a day,
Its pleasure quickly fly;
Its mirth like mist will pass away,
And all its honors die.
Have lost their charm for me.
Once I enjoyed its trifles too,
But Jesus set me free.
Its joys will perish in a day,
Its pleasure quickly fly;
Its mirth like mist will pass away,
And all its honors die.
He stilled the angry tempest's power,
Which raged within my heart;
And bade each sinful passion there
To speedily depart.
Yes, Jesus is my All in All,
He satisfies my soul,
For me He died on Calvary,
And now He makes me whole.
Which raged within my heart;
And bade each sinful passion there
To speedily depart.
Yes, Jesus is my All in All,
He satisfies my soul,
For me He died on Calvary,
And now He makes me whole.
Yes, Jesus is my Lord alone,
My Rock, my Strength, my Song,
My Wisdom and my Refuge safe;
To Jesus I belong.
He is my Advocate with God,
My Way, my Life, my Light,
My Great Physician and my Friend,
My Guide by day and night.
My Rock, my Strength, my Song,
My Wisdom and my Refuge safe;
To Jesus I belong.
He is my Advocate with God,
My Way, my Life, my Light,
My Great Physician and my Friend,
My Guide by day and night.

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