Friday, November 23, 2012


Hi, my name for now is irrelevant (no, of course that is not my real name), however my cause will hopefully change both our lives for the better.  For now you can refer to me as "Sparkle" Im an over eater-there, I said it.  Is it now out there.  This is something I have struggled with all my life, and Im hoping this will help me fix it.  I have come up with a plan-(no, that is not always a good thing in my case).  I want to start a support group focused on helping over eaters over come this disorder and take back their lives.  I have entitled the support group F.F.O.O.D (Fundamental Friends in Overcoming Overeating Disorder).  This support group is in the beginning stages and I am not sure where exactly this will take me (I am great at starting things-not so great at completing them), however; it is my hope that this group will not only help myself, but others who struggle with this disorder as well.

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