Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bring your brokenness and I will bring mine, we can meet at the cross.

"I can't deal.  The senseless killing is the reason I stopped watching the television show: The First 48.  The recent events in Texas and the two men killed by law enforcement is senseless, and a tragedy.  I have not mentioned or made any comment towards the events on social media.  Some view this as silence. Many have expressed their anger and disgust with those who have not said anything about the events. The pain and hurt of these events are felt deep, not just  into my soul, but to the heart of a our nation.. My heart aches for families and future generations affected.  I am overwhelmed with just coping with the actions, nothing in life prepares you for this.  To be honest, I don't know what to say."

The above post was written after initially finding out the events that took place.  I still don't know what to say.  I turned to God, the only answer I have.  I talked to Him and  asked Him to put it on my heart how to give Him glory even in this situation.  One thought, a phrase came to mind: "One nation, under God.".  We are one nation, made of different nationalities, cultures and subsets.  I don't have answers, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do, have a plan or even an idea where to start.  What I know is we need to pray for our nation.  So, If you think my silence is deafening and you don't think I am doing enough, know that I am praying. Bring your brokenness and I will bring mine, we can meet at the cross.

Today was one of those days.  I am feeling bloated, unattractive and  undesirable. I could tell my mind was reverting to that "Stinkin Thinkin" mentality.  I want to avoid going there. I asked two people to go with me to the gym.  Unfortunately, both fell through; It turned out for the best.   I ended up reaching out to a friend and we chatted about waiting for God and His timing.  We talked about how difficult it is to give up control and place things in Gods hands, but we can take comfort in knowing it will be well worth the wait.

I say a post that reminded me so much of me.  This is the post:


  This week, I find myself "In the eye of the storm".

  He is strengthening me; while bringing me closer to Him.  I thank God for my trials and tribulation and give Him all glory and praise.

                                       *****Enjoy the rest of your week******

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