I'm still going strong with the water challenge, I managed to bump up to drinking to two bottles of water before leaving in the morning ( a couple of days out of the week anyway). Of course I'm still going to the gym- if for no there reason than to see Catch. My biggest challenge, the biggest obstacle- my arch nemesis: Sugar. This inspired my next challenge, to cut out the refined sugar in my diet. Now this is going to take some research and a structured plan. I will utilizing my Spring break to educate my self further on the conveying trickery of my nemesis.
Stay in my lane, and run the race. A suggestion, instructions or guidance perhaps. I see this as constructive criticism. The good thing about constructive criticism is the positive spin you put on it. Good constructive criticism allows you make assessment and see where you can implement change for the better. This gives me an excuse to be in my zone also.
My Savior, my King has blessed me in so many ways. I cant help but thank Him and give glory to Jesus Christ, my Father. . Getting super pumped about this concert. Its a night we get to give praise and lift up our voices.
This is Lateya signing off, until next time, I will be. . . . Staying in my lane and running the race.
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