Sunday, May 15, 2016

3-Way call

There is nothing more childish and deceitful than having someone listen in on a conversation. On a three way call, where the third person is brought into the conversation without both of the original parties chatting knowing.  What is the purpose of this?  If they do not wish to contribute to the conversation, what right do they have to listen in and for what purpose?  To later us what you have said in private against you.  The worst person is the one trying to facilitate this other person listening in.  I don't trust either person nor do I really want to have anything to do with either.  I just don't get it why adults, grown people do something so high school. I am on a rant and just needed to get this off my chest.

I had a pretty good week, despite Friday being the 13th. Having a plan in place for eating helps to stay on track with my consumption.

The perfect low carb lunch:

Next I want to start a fitness challenge, one doing the three things I dislike the most: Burpees, Mountain climbers and planks.

Pretty intense! Just might have to try this!:
 Tabata training...while shape calls it a 4 minute work out - do it for an hour to max results!! In training we do each exercise for 4  minutes - so mountain climbers for 4 minutes, 20 seconds on 10 second rest a total of 8 times. Then a 1 minute cardio burst (sprint or run stairs if you have them). Then a 1 minute rest. Next exercise for 4 minutes, 1 minute cardio, 1 minute rest...and so on. You want to die afterwards, but you won't and you will be so glad you did it!!:

I heard this song for the first time this weekend as I volunteered a this Building 429 for Kids concert.

Bonfire is on fire!