should be done more often as I tend to not do it at all. I don't apparently communicate with others often enough. So, I am going to try and work on this. Well this week I was informed a guy I was interested in getting to know was in fact engaged. Yeah, I was disappointed, but if it gives you any in site into who I am. I have a different crush every month. I talk to Abba, my Father about it and you know what He put on my heart? It was because I have something better for you, someone just for you. He placed on my heart that I should be happy for them and continue to wait on my Savior. I then said a prayer of blessing over their union. I asked that their marriage be filled with God's love, mercy and grace; and He is in every aspect of their marriage. I pray they are fruitful and bring as many babies (love me some babies)up in the way of the Lord as they desire. As I ended the prayer in "In Jesus name, Amen" I though to myself; This is why I adore my King. He knows exactly what I need.
This year I volunteered for a concert in town. A local church hosted the Very Merry Christmas tour. I try to volunteer during the Christmas holidays. It was a good thing I volunteered at the church. My plan was to volunteer at the homeless shelter, but there have been some changes to the process. I did not know a background check had to be done. Apparently they want to make sure you want to help and not put these people in potential danger. There was not enough time when I contacted the shelter. The concert was amazing though,. The headline bands were Newsong, Plumb and Building 429. The presence of the Savior was felt in spite of attempts made other wise.
I spent Christmas Eve just over the Georgia line; on a lake talking about guys, having drinks and forgetting all the uncertainty around me. My daughter insisted I not spend Christmas alone this year and made sure by following up with calls all day. After I was up and made breakfast, I went and visited a friend and brought along a "To-go" container. I like taking these containers with me when I know I am going somewhere and there will be left overs. I met someone who had recently moved into town, and did not want to have Christmas dinner alone. I can understand that feeling, so I met them for the first time at Christmas dinner. That was very nice, the guy was a complete gentleman. I ended the night at a long time friends house watching the first full moon on Christmas in my life time. The moon reminded me of myself: mystery, intrigue, elusive and engulfed in a fog of the Saviors arms.
Yes, I am aware I have not yet mentioned fitness status or goals. Ok, well, here goes. Of course for the holidays I have not been eating as I should. The anxiety of being alone for the holidays has been looming. I find myself eating more when I am not hungry. This has helped me though. I realize I need to stop and take a moment to see if I am hungry. Analyze the last time I ate. Determine where I am on a scale of full to stomach growling, I fall. Then if it is determined I can go ahead and head, what do I choose to eat? If it is determined I shouldn't eat, then what do I do? The questions can be endless. I want to try to get back to basics for the new year. I want to start not eating anything after 8pm. (I originally wanted to do 6pm, but since I don't finish at work until five o'clock, it would be good to start at eight and work up to six.) I just thought to my self I can drink water after 8p, as I do not always get in the number of ounces per day as I should. Nothing good to report with the gym either. I have slacked off down to 1 -2 times a week. I need to work on coming up with other creative ways to work out. This last week I walked around beautiful Cascades park with my daughter. We both seemed to enjoy it so I will be trying to work in more walks. The skating ring near us has $2 Mondays. I know this is something else we both like doing, skating also burns a ton of calories. So that is the update. I have become slack, but by no means have I given up. I have come too far and am so grateful for the progress I have made thus far.
I have added two things to my diet. The first is cinnamon. "According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Cinnamon can be used to help treat muscle spasms, vomiting, diarrhea, infections, the common cold, loss of appetite, and erectile dysfunction (ED)." Diabetes, Alzheimer's, HIV, Multiple Sclerosis are some of the other diseases mention that cinnamon has health properties. I consume about a 1/4 teaspoon each day. I make iced hazelnut coffee each morning. I brew a pot of coffee the night before with Cafe Bustelo espresso coffee and put in the fridge overnight. The next morning I scoop 2-4 tablespoons of Spenda in my Tervis cup, first. I sprinkle in cinnamon and mix, then I add Nestle hazelnut sugar free creamer to taste and then fill up with coffee. I love to add ice cubes to have cold until lunch. Deelish! The second is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Oh my does this stuff have host of health benefits. You should look this one up yourself. My mom used to drink this, I came across it often in my attempts to steal my moms fresh glass of water she poured. It definitely has to be diluted. I used about 3/4 of a cap for 20-24oz water. Its like having lemon water, you get a different flavor than boring water.

I highly encourage you to look into how you can incorporate the health benefits into your life.
I was so glad when my local radio station went back to playing praise and worship music. There was a new song by Chris Tomlin that I thought would be most appropriate for this time of year. The song is perfect for Christmas and the hope of a New Year: